No days wasted
No days wasted


The way it works, and the way I use it, is this: I take one packet (two lil capsules) after my second-ish glass of wine. What I care about is that I sleep better (or actually sleep at all), I wake up in less pain and discomfort, and I am FAR more productive the day after a Wine Night with this stuff than I am without it. It’s the real hero of DHM Detox, but this supplement also contains N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Prickly Pear Extract, Vitamin B Complex and Electrolytes (Sodium and Potassium). But for those of you who do, DHM, or Dihydromyricetin, is a flavonoid primarily found in Asia that has apparently been assisting in hangovers on that continent for a very long time. So what the hell is it? Honestly, I don’t care. It is the perfect fit for my volume of drinking, my penchant for hangovers, and the way I think I deserve to feel the next day. I am not kidding when I say to you I will no longer drink without it. HOWEVER-these babies have made a drastic reduction in my hangover symptoms such that I literally bought my second box a few minutes ago and that’s what inspired me to write this post. And if you drink two bottles of wine by yourself, go with god. There is no magic pill that can take away hangovers altogether, I just want to be clear about that. I wanted to resort to science for a solution that was somewhere in between sobriety, which I don’t feel is right for me, and a logical result after a night of drinking a completely reasonable amount of wine. I wake up constantly with crippling anxiety about nonsensical stuff all night long. Also the older I get, the earlier my hangovers start. At the time I was feeling really frustrated with hangovers because I’m drinking less than I ever have before, but my hangovers are no less punishing.

no days wasted

I first heard of DHM Detox on Heather McMahan’s podcast Absolutely Not, which you should absolutely listen to. I gave up hard alcohol in 2014 because it was too little payoff for way too much hangover, so for the purposes of this post when I’m speaking about imbibing, I’m talking about beer and wine. Either way, it has really impacted my relationship with drinking. Either I have a very low tolerance for pain, a very low tolerance for alcohol, or some demonic combination of the two. A fun fact about me: My hangovers are biblical. Yay internet economy.Įverything in moderation, including hangovers.

no days wasted


Meaning, I earn a small commission every time someone buys this after clicking on one of these links or using my discount code for 15% off which is SHANISILVER.


Note: This post is not sponsored by DHM Detox (though they should feel free to get in touch), but the links in this post are affiliate links.

No days wasted