Ruined portals generate incomplete portal frames composed of obsidian and, sometimes along with crying obsidian, although nether portals cannot be activated with crying obsidian in the frame. A ruined portal is in a snowy biome if the temperature is less than 0.15.ġ5% in Java Edition, 20% in Bedrock Edition

Many blocks in ruined portals are replaced upon generation. Ruined portals without air pockets have a 50% chance to spawn from Y-level 27 to 29, and a 50% chance to spawn from Y-level 29 to 100. In the Nether, ruined portals with air pockets generate from Y-level 32 to 100. This means that the structure has 2 to 8 layers raised above the surface.
Ruined portals that generate partially buried do so at y-level n−n 2, plus a random integer from 2 to 8. Ruined portals that generate in windswept hills generate at y-level from 70 to n−n 2. Some ruined portal variants are short enough to generate completely on the surface. This means the terrain is always higher than or level with the top of the structure. Ruined portals that generate underground do so at Y-level from 15 to n−n 2, where n is the highest block at the point of generation and n 2 is the height of the ruined portal structure. This gives normal ruined portals a 95% chance, for a 9.5% chance per normal ruined portal design. When a ruined portal generates, it has a 5% chance to be a giant ruined portal, for about a 1.67% chance per giant portal design. Giant ruined portals have 3 distinct designs, and normal ruined portals have 10 designs. They also generate a mass of netherrack underneath them (including "stalactite"-like shapes, and this may contain blackstone deposits in the Nether). Natural terrain around ruined portals generates as netherrack. If they generate underground, they have air pockets around them. They can spawn underground, underwater, or exposed to the air. Ruined portals are the only generated structures that generate in more than one dimension they generate in all biomes in both the Nether and the Overworld.